Dr Munish Gadhri

Dr Munish Gadhri

Principal Dentist

GDC No. 81117

Dr Gadhri endeavours to provide his patients with the highest standard of clinical care. He continually strives to improve his clinical skills and keeps up to date with the latest cutting-edge technology whilst following current BDS practice guidelines.

Dr Gadhri’s passion lies within orthodontics (braces), patient care and well-being, and creating a beautiful, confident smile for his patients through orthodontics. He is pleased to offer clear aesthetic braces to straighten teeth; these are fixed braces with tooth-coloured ceramic brackets instead of metal. He also offers Invisalign, which straightens teeth using a series of nearly invisible, removable, custom-made aligners for your teeth. As you replace each aligner every two weeks, your teeth will move a little by little, week by week, gradually moving towards the projected final position.

Dr Gadhri’s chair-side manner is enough to put most patients at ease, but there is an alternative if this fails.